How an eCommerce site can get you great results

An eCommerce site can be an amazing complement to your brick and mortar store, yet that’s not a guarantee. First, you have to have a real vision behind your eCommerce site. Then, you have to have a solid business structure in place.

Only then can you expect great results from your eCommerce store.

Quote of the Day: Franck

Canadian Macrobiotics

Image from Image from

“In this twentieth century, to stop rushing around, to sit quietly on the grass, to switch off the world and come back to the earth, to allow the eye to see a willow, a bush, a cloud, a leaf, is ‘an unforgettable experience’.”
~ Frederick Franck

As sad as it can be that our modern lives encourage us to lose touch with the endless life and wonder around us, the fact that reconnection – at any time – is merely one conscious choice away, is quite encouraging.

As we prepare to move into the new year, let us make this conscious reconnection a priority in our daily journeys…

It is in the stillness – the disconnect from outer stimuli – that the answers to any and all of our questions can be found.

Have a lovely Monday! xo

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Rebecca McNamee

I’ve been doing a lot of collage experiments to figure out where I’m going with these paintings! Because I’m really struggling to form any concrete ideas at the minute. I have drawn out a similar composition for my self portrait with the circle in he background, but now I am worrying that although the left hand side of the painting when separated holds its own, the right hand side falls short, like its only role is supporting the left side. So I am going to break away from the diptych and place the circle behind the head in a single canvas. God knows how its going to turn out but I would ratehr experiment now while I can.


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